
Superior Exterior Drainage Solutions

At JDR Lawn and Landscape, we understand the critical importance of effective exterior drainage for maintaining the integrity and value of your property. Specializing in advanced drainage solutions, including pipe extensions, French drains, regrading, pop-up drains, storage tanks, sump pumps, and more, our mission is to safeguard your property against the damaging effects of stormwater. With a focus on innovative, reliable, and efficient drainage techniques, we’re here to ensure that water flows away from your home and property, preventing erosion, flooding, and foundational damage.


Drainage Services

Pipe Extensions

We extend downspouts and runoff pipes to efficiently direct water away from your foundation, reducing the risk of water damage and erosion.

Dry Well

Dry Wells are a  sustainable solution for storm water runoff. Used independently or as part of a larger storm water management system, they collect, retain, and discharge storm water. 


By strategically regrading your property, we can alter the natural slope, directing water flow away from your home or business, preventing pooling and saturation.

Pop-Up Drains

Our pop-up drain installations are perfect for dispersing water at safe distances from your property, popping up to release water when needed and retracting when not in use.

Protecting Your Property from Stormwater Damage

Effective exterior drainage is key to protecting your property from the costly and potentially hazardous effects of stormwater. Properly designed and installed drainage systems not only prevent soil erosion and protect your landscaping but also safeguard your home’s foundation and structure from water damage. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), managing stormwater runoff is essential for maintaining property integrity and environmental health.

With JDR Lawn and Landscape, you gain a trusted partner committed to delivering superior exterior drainage solutions. Our expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction ensure that your property is equipped to handle even the most challenging weather conditions, keeping your investment safe and dry.

Ready to enhance your property’s drainage system? Contact JDR Lawn and Landscape today to schedule a consultation. Let us help you implement a robust, efficient drainage solution that protects your property and gives you peace of mind, no matter what the weather brings.

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