Lawn Care

We are Masters of Lawn Care and Maintenance

JDR Lawn and Landscape is your one-stop solution for superior lawn care. Our unwavering dedication to fostering lush, healthy lawns has made us a favorite among homeowners and businesses alike.

Our services encompass all aspects of lawn care, ensuring your outdoor space is always at its finest. With our team of seasoned professionals, we’re committed to elevating your lawn from the commonplace to the extraordinary.

lawn care

Lawn Care Services

Lawn Mowing

Lawn Mowing forms the backbone of our lawn care services. Our experts utilize cutting-edge equipment and time-tested techniques to provide a clean, uniform cut every time, enhancing your lawn’s visual appeal while promoting denser, healthier growth.


Our customized Fertilizer Programs cater to your lawn’s unique needs. A well-fertilized lawn is not only healthier and greener but also more resilient against diseases and pests. We use premium, eco-friendly fertilizers that enrich your lawn without adversely affecting the surrounding ecosystem.

Top Dressing

Top Dressing, an integral part of our lawn care services, involves the application of a thin layer of organic material over your lawn. This process boosts soil quality, encourages healthier root development, and improves your grass’s overall appearance.

Installs / Renovations

JDR Lawn and Landscape also specializes in Complete Lawn Renovations and Installs. Whether you’re starting anew or revitalizing an existing lawn, our team can create a lush and stunning lawn that amplifies your property’s appeal.

SOD Installation

Sod installation offers a quick solution for homeowners desiring an instant, green lawn. Our team can expertly install top-quality sod, delivering a vibrant, healthy lawn in no time.

Core Aeration

Our Core Aeration service significantly enhances your lawn’s health and vitality. By extracting small plugs of soil, we facilitate effective penetration of water, nutrients, and air to the root zone, promoting stronger and more vigorous growth.

At JDR Lawn and Landscape, we recognize that a well-kept lawn enhances your property’s curb appeal and provides a welcoming outdoor space for you and your family. Allow us to manage your lawn care, and you can enjoy a stunning, healthy lawn throughout the year. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover more about our comprehensive lawn care services.

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